Monday, November 17, 2008

Led Zeppelin-ish Tour?

We've been hearing the rumblings for a while now about a possible Led Zeppelin tour in the near future. One may readily dismiss such rumors when one hears Robert Plant say he won't tour for at least two years and Jimmy Page say the "Led Zeppelin" will not tour without Plant.

In addition, the rumors circulating that Page and fellow Led members John Paul Jones and Jason Bonham have been rehearsing with possible fill-in lead singers such as Steven Tyler, Chris Cornell, Jack White, Dave Grohl and Myles Kennedy might leave fans scratching their heads.

The new talk in the music industry and the scuttlebutt amongst fans says Page, Jones, and Bonham may be ready to tour with a guest singer under another name.

That's a pretty good idea. This will help keep loyalist fans from becoming enraged at the idea of tarnishing Zeppelin's good name with false members.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mr. President

Well, no matter who you voted for, you have to admit that last night was an unreal experience. Do you realize, some day our grandchildren will be asking us if we remember where we were when we heard America had elected its first black president? We are right in the middle of the next generation's history book!

Did anyone else feel like it happened really fast?

I was watching the coverage and thinking, "Ok, well, Obama only needs 65 electoral votes, McCain is down by almost a hundred, but he could still make a comeback--" and then BOOM! They announced Barack Obama as the President-elect.

It was insane! And the pandemonium in Grant Park? Oprah Winfrey packed in the crowd like a sardine? This is history people!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

RRN Does It Again

Real Rock News has a great post on the character and practices of Rush's Neil Peart.

Peart performed at a Buddy Rich Tribute last month and showed his very awesome true colors as described by the guys at RRN.

Check it out and leave them a comment if you get a chance.


On-Line Games

I like to play some free online games from time to time, so I'm always looking for new and better games. I've been stuck on MostFunGames for a while, just because they have some pretty funny/bizarre games like Ragdoll and Waitress. However, I recently revisted and was thoroughly impressed with how much their site has improved. Like MostFunGames, you're not forced to register, but has much, much better quality games.

Just another Time-Wasting Tip from Josie!