Wednesday, February 4, 2009

This is scary...

90,000 sex offenders have been kicked off! You can read the full story here.

It creeps me out that there are so many sex offenders in our country, but it really makes me sick to think they're computer savvy enough to be on myspace! I'm not even on myspace!

The technology used to identify these people on myspace is now being applied to Facebook. They've turned up 8,000 over there so far.

It just makes me sick.


Saturday, January 31, 2009

I Want to Hate Britney Spears!

You know, Britney Spears recently posted some pictures on her website taken while she was rehearsing for her upcoming tour.

Before I say my piece about these pictures, here's a very quick summary of the history of my feelings on Britney Spears: When she first made her way onto the scene I was indifferent, mainly because I've never been much of a pop music fan. Eventually, I couldn't stand the sight of her as a result of over-saturation. Then, she got married in Vegas, and I kind of related to her emotional, rash decision making. I was a little on her side. Then, she got married and started having babies. She was kind of out-of-site-out-of-mind. Then she did the interview with Matt Lauer, and I felt so sorry for her. Then, she had her "breakdown," or whatever the media decided to call it, and I started rooting for her.

When she appeared this year at the MTV Music Awards and walked away with three awards, I knew she was finally getting back on track. Then she posted those pictures on her website.

I finally realized, that I will actually be at peace with this situation once I can start hating her out of jealousy. I actually WANT to hate her for being so perfect. She deserves it after the incredibly long life she's lived in so little time. I was a single mother, and it was hard enough without the entire world watching and judging my every move. That reason alone is enough to root for her.

Go Britney! I can't wait to hate you!


Monday, January 19, 2009


I'm a sucker for these kinds of videos. (I still get choked up watching the "We Are The World Video"!)

Ashton Kutcher and wife Demi Moore asked a bunch of their celebrity friends to make "Pledges" to President-Elect Barack Obama. The result is this very inspiring 4 minute video.

Check it out...
MySpace Celebrity and Katalyst present The Presidential Pledge

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Golden Globes!!!

If you missed the Golden Globes, has EXCELLENT coverage on their site.

If you haven't seen the movie "In Bruge" (pronounced Broozh), then you must definitely see it. I absolutely loved it and was so glad to see it get some recognition at the Globes.