Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Guy Ritchie and Madonna Officially Announce Divorce

Well, they finally decided to tell the truth.

No, now that's a bitter way to start this post. Ok, Guy Ritchie and Madonna officially announced plans to divorce today.

I should let you know right off the bat what a big fan I am of Guy Ritchie's work. Moreover, I think he handled the rumors about their marriage breaking up over the summer much better than she did. He also fielded some pretty embarrassing questions with class following the release of Madonna's brother's tell-all book. I don't much care for Madonna's music after the Immaculate Collection and seriously don't like the outfits she's been wearing on her "chisled" 50-year-old body during her Sticky 'n' Sweet Tour. I don't care for her incoherent political rants mid-concert, and I can't shake that creepy feeling I get when I think about her adopting a random child with whom she's rarely been seen since.

I guess I don't begrudge either of them for lying over the course of the summer when asked about their marriage. If you ask someone a personal question they don't want to answer, they are justified in lying if not answering would function as a confirmation of said rumor. Still, if you're marriage is on the rocks, stay home and work on it instead of planning a WORLD TOUR!


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