Tuesday, December 9, 2008


You know, I have 47 people on my "HAVE-to-buy-for" Christmas list and another 13 on my "SHOULD-buy-for" list. My husband and I both come from split homes, so we have 6 Christmases this year. (We're skipping out on 2!) I really feel like my divorced parents should pay for at least half our gifts we have to buy, but my husband says no way. Anyhow, I wrote a whole article on how to Christmas shop with little or no money for SEKInfo.com. It's in the "Feature Articles" section on the left-side menu. Check it out and let me know if you have any more ideas. As I said, I have a LOT of people to shop for...


1 comment:

dxeechick said...

i liked all your articles on there! you rock!