Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Robert Pattinson is NOT Cute!

No, I haven't read the books by Stephanie Meyer, and no I haven't even seen the new Twilight movie. But I know for sure, that I don't find Robert Pattinson attractive in the least. Please, men everywhere, do NOT try to emulate this guy. His "dirty" look is not sexy, it's gross. Don't get me wrong, I like a dirty man once in a while if he's dirty from WORKING HARD! This guy is trying to pull off some greasy-chic look, and it's not working for any woman with half a brain. (Then again, maybe he's not looking for a smart chick at this stage of his life.)

That being said, Robert Pattinson had a great quote in this issue of Britain's Closer magazine:

"The stuff I find attractive in women I always regret finding attractive. I always like a kind of madness in a woman, and when they are really, really strong. And they're the worst - mental strong women!"

I laughed out loud over the phrase "mental strong women," but took his comment in context and thought about how many guys I know with the exact same problem. Ironically, most of those guys are ex-boyfriends.
