Monday, December 29, 2008
Whew! Made It Through The Holidays... Sort Of.
I can't believe it! We made it through the holidays (7 Christmases for my family so far) and are on our way to unwinding the right way on New Year's Eve! We technically still have one Christmas left to attend on January 3rd. That's how you know we have a humongous family--we're actually scheduling Christmas into the New Year. How many did you have?
We don't have any set plans for New Year's Eve, but I do have a Foxtown City Limits is having some great live bands in including Alex Moore. If you hear of any other hot spots for New Year's Eve in Pittsburg, be sure to post it!
Hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday weekend!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Skee-Ball Challenge
Yesterday I was minding my own business in the studio during my show, when Mike Snow, one of our sports guys, came in bragging on his Skee-ball skills. I immediately challenged him to a game to take place today down at the arcade here on the mall. We're going to video the game, so I'll try to have it posted on here or on the Rock Rev website later today.
Here's why I will win: Mike is an all-around sports player. He has divided his athletic efforts amongst football, basketball, golf, and various other sports his entire life. I found out from a very young age that I'm not good at anything except Skee-ball. Therefore, I have been able to concentrate my efforts on this particular game. Moreover, I am not afraid to cheat to win.
Results coming later today...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
This is Sacreligious!
I love Rolling Stone magazine, but their current glorification of that--that THING on Brad Pitt's upper lip is like Angus Young performing in a cowboy hat! It's just wrong, so, so wrong.
I don't blame Brad. (In fact, I quit blaming Brad for anything once he divorced Jennifer Aniston and started shacking up with ol' what's-her-lips. At that point, I felt he must be suffering through some kind of early-onset dementia and therefore not accountable for his own actions.) But how can Rolling Stone go from making the otherwise-not-that-cute Jonas Brothers look almost handsome to making BrAdonis look so... Tom Skerritt-ish?
Shame on them.
NFL Layoffs
So, the NFL has announced a 14% layoff at their Headquarters, NFL Films, NFL Network, and They say they are doing this in response to the economy. How stupid do they think we are? Seriously, the regular season ends in a couple of weeks. They would most likely be making these layoffs no matter what the economy is like. They are just trying to save face with the public. Apparently, they think they public is pretty simple-minded.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Robert Pattinson is NOT Cute!
No, I haven't read the books by Stephanie Meyer, and no I haven't even seen the new Twilight movie. But I know for sure, that I don't find Robert Pattinson attractive in the least. Please, men everywhere, do NOT try to emulate this guy. His "dirty" look is not sexy, it's gross. Don't get me wrong, I like a dirty man once in a while if he's dirty from WORKING HARD! This guy is trying to pull off some greasy-chic look, and it's not working for any woman with half a brain. (Then again, maybe he's not looking for a smart chick at this stage of his life.)
That being said, Robert Pattinson had a great quote in this issue of Britain's Closer magazine:
"The stuff I find attractive in women I always regret finding attractive. I always like a kind of madness in a woman, and when they are really, really strong. And they're the worst - mental strong women!"
I laughed out loud over the phrase "mental strong women," but took his comment in context and thought about how many guys I know with the exact same problem. Ironically, most of those guys are ex-boyfriends.
Bon Scott on the Big Screen... Sorta
As you probably know by now, I'm a huge AC/DC fan. Rumor has it, there's a movie in the works about the life of Bon Scott, AC/DC's late lead singer. From what I've read, (he passed away when I was an infant) he had a thrilling life. The makers of the movie are trying to get the remaining member's of AC/DC to approve the project. has a great article on this.
You know, I have 47 people on my "HAVE-to-buy-for" Christmas list and another 13 on my "SHOULD-buy-for" list. My husband and I both come from split homes, so we have 6 Christmases this year. (We're skipping out on 2!) I really feel like my divorced parents should pay for at least half our gifts we have to buy, but my husband says no way. Anyhow, I wrote a whole article on how to Christmas shop with little or no money for It's in the "Feature Articles" section on the left-side menu. Check it out and let me know if you have any more ideas. As I said, I have a LOT of people to shop for...
Monday, November 17, 2008
Led Zeppelin-ish Tour?
We've been hearing the rumblings for a while now about a possible Led Zeppelin tour in the near future. One may readily dismiss such rumors when one hears Robert Plant say he won't tour for at least two years and Jimmy Page say the "Led Zeppelin" will not tour without Plant.
In addition, the rumors circulating that Page and fellow Led members John Paul Jones and Jason Bonham have been rehearsing with possible fill-in lead singers such as Steven Tyler, Chris Cornell, Jack White, Dave Grohl and Myles Kennedy might leave fans scratching their heads.
The new talk in the music industry and the scuttlebutt amongst fans says Page, Jones, and Bonham may be ready to tour with a guest singer under another name.
That's a pretty good idea. This will help keep loyalist fans from becoming enraged at the idea of tarnishing Zeppelin's good name with false members.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Mr. President
Well, no matter who you voted for, you have to admit that last night was an unreal experience. Do you realize, some day our grandchildren will be asking us if we remember where we were when we heard America had elected its first black president? We are right in the middle of the next generation's history book!
Did anyone else feel like it happened really fast?
I was watching the coverage and thinking, "Ok, well, Obama only needs 65 electoral votes, McCain is down by almost a hundred, but he could still make a comeback--" and then BOOM! They announced Barack Obama as the President-elect.
It was insane! And the pandemonium in Grant Park? Oprah Winfrey packed in the crowd like a sardine? This is history people!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
RRN Does It Again
Real Rock News has a great post on the character and practices of Rush's Neil Peart.
Peart performed at a Buddy Rich Tribute last month and showed his very awesome true colors as described by the guys at RRN.
Check it out and leave them a comment if you get a chance.
On-Line Games
I like to play some free online games from time to time, so I'm always looking for new and better games. I've been stuck on MostFunGames for a while, just because they have some pretty funny/bizarre games like Ragdoll and Waitress. However, I recently revisted and was thoroughly impressed with how much their site has improved. Like MostFunGames, you're not forced to register, but has much, much better quality games.
Just another Time-Wasting Tip from Josie!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
WOW! If this is true...
Monday, October 27, 2008
Jennifer Hudson's Family
So, how about the tragedy in Jennifer Hudson's life right now? Her mother and brother were shot to death, and her nephew was missing. Now they've found a body they authorities believe is that of her nephew. You can head over to TMZ or Perez Revenge and read all the details on this story.
I just can't possibly imagine getting the phone call/visit she must've gotten. From what I understand, she's never been around her father, so she was especially close to her mom. A story like this simply makes my stomach turn.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
ACDC Showing 'Em How It's Done!
Holy Cow! I can't believe how well Black Ice is doing in spite of being leaked onto the internet and downloaded 400,000 times before it went on sale exclusively at Sam's Club and Wal-Mart. They sold over 193,000 copies on its FIRST DAY in stores and is expected to exceed 800,000 copies sold in its first week.
That is absolutely outstanding considering they've taken so much heat for not jumping on the I-Tunes bandwagon.
Man! I want to go see them at the Sprint Center in KC so badly!!! I mentioned this fact at a family dinner the other day and three generations were represented with my step-mom, my brother, and my 10-years-younger sister all jumped at the chance to get a ticket. That says something about the band, if you ask me.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Guy Ritchie and Madonna Officially Announce Divorce
Well, they finally decided to tell the truth.
No, now that's a bitter way to start this post. Ok, Guy Ritchie and Madonna officially announced plans to divorce today.
I should let you know right off the bat what a big fan I am of Guy Ritchie's work. Moreover, I think he handled the rumors about their marriage breaking up over the summer much better than she did. He also fielded some pretty embarrassing questions with class following the release of Madonna's brother's tell-all book. I don't much care for Madonna's music after the Immaculate Collection and seriously don't like the outfits she's been wearing on her "chisled" 50-year-old body during her Sticky 'n' Sweet Tour. I don't care for her incoherent political rants mid-concert, and I can't shake that creepy feeling I get when I think about her adopting a random child with whom she's rarely been seen since.
I guess I don't begrudge either of them for lying over the course of the summer when asked about their marriage. If you ask someone a personal question they don't want to answer, they are justified in lying if not answering would function as a confirmation of said rumor. Still, if you're marriage is on the rocks, stay home and work on it instead of planning a WORLD TOUR!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
So, AC/DC got royally screwed on October 7th when their new album, Black Ice, was leaked onto the Internet to Youtube and Biztorrent. wrote an article about it today pointing out AC/DCs global success in recent years despite making their music available online. They earned their sales the old-fashioned way with awesome live performances and the constant creation of great new music. reported that approximately 400,000 people were able to download the album before it was removed from Youtube and Sony was able to flood Biztorrent with bad copies.
I want to know why they can't track the people who are leaking these "super anticipated" albums. I would think bands like AC/DC and Metallica would be able to find a way to limit the number of people with access to the tracks prior to release to so few people that any leakage could easily be traced to the actual culprit with very little effort.
I can't imagine how frustrated AC/DC must be right now. It would be like sending invitations out for a surprise party and having one of the recipients forward it on to the guest of honor. That would suck!
Random Thought
On the way to work this morning, Bongo and I saw what appeared to be a police car getting ready to pull on to the highway from a side road. Upon closer inspection, I quickly realized it was actually some kind of private security car, possible Mall Security. And that got me thinking...
Do Mall/Building Security workers fantasize about being real police officers? I mean, would they ever just take their security vehicle out and sit on the side of the road just to watch the reactions of drivers? I'm not making fun in any way, because I think I would do something like that. Hell, I still put on rock concerts in my living room when no one's home.
Just wondering.
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Weekend
Well, I made it back alive from a very busy weekend including a huge birthday party for Luke. He turned 10! That's insane. You can tell the double-digits have already gone to his head.
Happy Columbus day to everyone, I guess. I find this holiday pretty confusing. It's a pretty widely accepted fact amongst historians that Christopher Columbus was not the first European to settle in the US. It was actually the Vikings, and they came centuries before Columbus and his ships. And besides, Columbus (and the rest of the world) still thought it was part of Asia until Amerigo Vespucci corrected them. So, why don't we have Viking Day or Amerigo Vespucci Day? They have been ignored too long! They should be national holidays and thereby paid days off of work!
That's my "Dork Rant" of the week.
Jon Bon Jovi is on a roll... let's just hope it's a BANKroll.
So, Jon Bon Jovi is being sued by a Boston Red Sox fan for $400 BILLION!!! The fan says Jon stole his lyrics. The guys over at have a great article on the lawsuit.
$400 BILLION???!!! Just to give you an idea of how much money that is, if you had just ONE billion dollars in a regular savings account, you could spend a million dollars a day and never run out of money.
I wish I could write lyrics for someone to steal...
Thursday, October 9, 2008
A-Ha's video for "Take On Me" was ahead of its time when it came out and has since been revered as a pioneer in video graphics. But this version will not only astonish you, it will also crack you up. Enjoy!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
My Family
Bon Jovi Under Fire
Bon Jovi is coming under fire from various people who feel they shouldn't be teaming with Bank of America during this "economic crisis" the country is facing. They are basically being regarded as sell-outs by fans and critics. Anti-music has a great article on this. I know one thing for sure, championing the cause of "the Man" is a good way to alienate your fans. And if you give off the impression that you're no longer concerned what your fans think, then you are definitely a sell-out. Then again, the members of Bon Jovi are set for life financially. Should they care if we think they're sell-outs?
Monday, October 6, 2008
This is one of the coolest videos I've seen in a while. Head over to for some more awesome videos. This one gave me goosebumps and made me ponder things no mother wants to ponder.
Friday, October 3, 2008
iTunes to Keep On Rockin'
Well, there was kind of a big scare yesterday when reports surfaced that iTunes was threatening to shut down if a new royalty rate increase was passed by the Copyright Royalty Board in Washington, D.C.
Basically, music publishers wanted to increase royalties to 15 cents for every download. Apple said they would be forced to operate at a loss if required to adhere to the 6 cent increase from the current 9 cents per download. The vice-president of Apple said they would have to shut down if the increase went through.
Today, the Copyright Royalty Board in Washington, D.C. rejected the increase. Apple had in fact been pushing for a decrease in royalties, but the Board rejected that as well.
So, if you're into iTunes, you can exhale now.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Phor the Phans of Phish...
Phor the phans of Phish... They're getting back together! The guys over at Spin Magazine are pretty happy about it and have a great article on the jam band on their homepage. Iph you phancy Phish, phind out more about their phantastic reunion here.
Congrats to Coldplay. They took the honors for Best Rock/Indie Artist Award and Best Official Music Website at the BT Digital Music Awards! Radiohead triumphed with the Band of the Year Award.
These awards are a little different in that some of the awards are chosen by the public and some by experts. Head over to for more info.
Kiss My Gas!
So, the folks over at seem to feel CBS is involved in some hypocrisy since they decided not to show a clip of Alice Cooper "faux-strangling" an audience member of the Late, Late Show the other night.
The guys go on to talk about CBS airing programs like CSI and Criminal Minds as their proof of hypocrisy. I disagree. There's no evidence that the FCC pressured CBS to cut the scene. They did it on their own. I call that editing. Perhaps the clip wasn't entertaining. Maybe the audience member was mad. Maybe they didn't get a good-enough angle. There could be a whole host of reasons they didn't show it outside of "censorship."
CBS doesn't have a reputation for censorship, so I say we should give them the benefit of the doubt.
Whoo-hoo! AC/DC has added 16 more shows to their Black Ice World Tour including shows in St. Louis, Kansas City, and Tulsa. I think I'm going to try to get tickets to the show in Tulsa. Here are the new dates:
The new Black Ice tour dates are as follows:
Dec 20, 2008 Ft. Lauderdale, FL Bank Atlantic Center
Dec 21, 2008 Tampa,FL St. Pete Times Forum
Jan 05, 2009 Cleveland, OH Quicken Loans Arena
Jan 07, 2009 Pittsburgh, PA Mellon Arena
Jan 09, 2009 Toronto, ON Rogers Centre
Jan 11, 2009 Cincinnati, OH U.S. Bank Arena
Jan 13, 2009 St. Louis, MO Scottrade Center
Jan 15, 2009 Omaha, NE Qwest Center Omaha
Jan 17, 2009 Fargo, ND Fargodome
Jan 19, 2009 Minneapolis, MN Xcel Energy Center
Jan 21, 2009 Kansas City, MO Sprint Center
Jan 23, 2009 Dallas, TX American Airlines Center
Jan 26, 2009 Tulsa, OK BOK Center
Jan 28, 2009 Little Rock, AR ALLTELL Arena
Jan 30, 2009 Memphis, TN FedEx Forum
Jan 31, 2009 Nashville, TN Sommet Center
You can get tickets at and
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
my blog cherry
Hey, look at me, I'm blogging. This too, is a test to see if everything is set up o.k on our blog. As some of you may know I am a bit of a dinosour at 49 ( though I am reading at a 50 year old level) Until I got into radio 3 years ago, my use of computers was limited to emails...but look at me now..running radio station equipment, producing commercials and on the air in the afternoons with my good friend Josie. I am still not sure exactly what this blog thing is all about, but I am jumping in feet first...or is it head first? I am not sure. Jumping in feet first seems the sensible way of jumping into anything, but on the other hand, there is something very bold about pushing safety a side and going head first. Anyway, I look forwad to forming new "blog-lationships"...Oh my God,I am coining phrases...this is all moving so fast! If there is something you want to discuss, comment,to vent, or just seek the advise of someone who has spent nearly half a century on this planet. I am always happy to drop some knowege on the kids. Until then...Blog on brothers and sisters Bongo
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Men's Perfume
If any man comes near me wearing this new "cologne," I may feel compelled to beat the crap out of him...
Jennifer Lopez launched her new Deseo for Men fragrance at Macy’s in New York today. The fragrance contains lemon, yuzu, red berries and cedar leaf; a heart of tobacco leaves, guaicwood and orris, and a drydown of sandalwood, cedarwood, patchouli, amber and vanilla. The ‘Deseo For Men’ collection comprises eaux de toilette in two sizes, 1.7 oz. for $45 and 3.4 oz. for $55; a 3.4-oz. aftershave balm, $40, and a 2.4-oz. deodorant, $16.
I think "yuzu" says it all.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Pittsburg has grown on me so quickly simply because there are so many local musicians. I wanted to pass on this really cool contest AC/DC is having. They basically want you to do your own version of their new single, "Rock and Roll Train." They don't care what the style is--they'll take anything. They're giving away signed guitars, so if you're an AC/DC fan, this is your chance to hook up with some pretty cool memorabilia. Check out the contest at!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Hey, everyone! I just wanted to take a moment and let everyone know they should stop by and follow Rachel's Journey through her battle with Hodgkins Lymphoma. This is our boss's daughter, and her positive attitude about her condition has been really amazing so far. Drop her a comment if you get a chance!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Back from Vacation
I went on vacation to Utah last week with my husband Mika for an "IFR." That's an Immediate Family Reunion. There are five kids siblings in his family and they are spread out quite a bit. We hadn't seen them for over a year. It was a nice reunion filled with some pretty fun activities. But I've got to say, it was good to be home where I'm not an in-law. See, I was born and raised in this area and almost all of my very tight-knit family lives here. We see them a couple of times a week. I'm used to Mika being the in-law. He's much better at it than me. Of course, everyone likes him, so it's easier for him. For most people, I'm an acquired taste. His family is great, and they treat me like I'm great. But I'm still glad to be home. I'll try and post a few pics from the va-cay as soon as I'm not feeling so lazy.
Mentos Experiment
A while ago at the station, there was a little disagreement about the magic of Mentos and Diet Coke. We have a policy at Rock Rev: Never go to bed angry. Therefore, we decided we must resolve the matter like adults. Check it out...
Hey, it's Josie. This is our very first post on our very first blog. I never thought I'd be popping my blog cherry with someone like Bongo. Pretty ironic really. He hasn't popped anyone's cherry of any kind in decades... literally. Decades!
Anyhoo, this is really just a post to make sure our blog is working correctly. We're new to this, so please be patient with us. I really love reading comments on blogs, so please feel free to comment here as much as you want!
Anyhoo, this is really just a post to make sure our blog is working correctly. We're new to this, so please be patient with us. I really love reading comments on blogs, so please feel free to comment here as much as you want!
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